We Treat Eating Disorder


Eating disorders are serious conditions related to persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact your health, your emotions and your ability to function in important areas of life. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder.

Most eating disorders involve focusing too much on your weight, body shape and food, leading to dangerous eating behaviors. These behaviors can significantly impact your body’s ability to get appropriate nutrition. Eating disorders can harm the heart, digestive system, bones, and teeth and mouth, and lead to other diseases.

Eating disorders often develop in the teen and young adult years, although they can develop at other ages. With treatment, you can return to healthier eating habits and sometimes reverse serious complications caused by the eating disorder.

Symptoms of an Eating Disorder

Symptoms vary, depending on the type of eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder are the most common eating disorders. Other eating disorders include rumination disorder and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.

  • • Skipping meals or making excuses for not eating
  • • Excessive focus on healthy eating
  • • Withdrawing from normal social activities
  • • Persistent worry or complaining about being fat and talk of losing weight
  • • Frequent checking in the mirror for perceived flaws
  • • Repeatedly eating large amounts of sweets or high-fat foods
  • • Use of dietary supplements, laxatives or herbal products for weight loss
  • • Excessive exercise
  • • Calluses on the knuckles from inducing vomiting

What can I do?

Most eating disorders can be treated through psychotherapy (talk therapy), medication management, or a combination of these two treatments, but may often require hospitalization for physical stabilization. At A Better Outlook Psychiatry & Addiction, we specialize in treatments focused on medications, but also provide counseling therapy when appropriate. We may refer one of our community partners to you if you require or desire more intensive talk therapy. We can also review the evidence surrounding alternative and complementary treatment options such as herbal supplements.

Your first step is to contact our office for a new patient evaluation. Our providers will not attempt to sell you on or force you to any specific treatment. Think of your first appointment as an education about your diagnosis as well as the most up-to-date and evidence-based treatment options!